I'm about to begin a new megadungeon campaign with K-slacker and some guys he's been playing with for a while. I'm calling it Nightmoor Abbey and it is heavily based on Evan's Nightwick Abbey from In Places Deep. I'm also leaning heavily on Diablo and Spellbook Games' Journey through Malebolge (which, I believe, is a completed and expanded version of Judges Guild's Inferno). Another thing I am looking at is pulling in some of Warhammer Fantasy's Doomstones and/or Enemy Within for when they leave the Abbey.
The dungeon map is derived from the geomorphs at Dave's Mapper and stocked largely using spreadsheets with random number generators and the Semi-Random Megadungeon "Saturday Night Special" Using Existing Resources from Planet Algol.
One of the trickiest and funnest parts of doing this has been developing the history (as mentioned above I am largely stealing this) and developing ways to pass this history on to the players through play. For this I've been leaning on a post from the Angry GM and the processes and presentations in Dwimmermount.
Oh, and we're using 1E AD&D (with a few minor house rules - no elves as PCs, the addition of the frogling race, adding a usable Bard class, and simplifying the alignments down to the B/X three). I threw out the idea of using B/X, but some of the players were pretty adamant in their preference for race + class. Anyway, I've had a bit of a hankering to see how much of the 1E AD&D combat procedures I can actually use. I know the players are going to dislike the random determination of targets hit in combat.
Below is the wandering monster table for Level 1 of demon-haunted dungeon below Nightmoor Abbey.
Project Updates
13 hours ago
Love that you're posting again.