You are arrested by an overwhelming force, and cannot resist. You are put into jail, roll 2d6 (+/- charisma modifier) for the gravity of the offence:
2 (or less): Marked for death - You have committed a very grave offence. The death penalty is demanded. Until then, you are imprisoned. All your money and possessions and are confiscated and permanently lost. At the start of each day in prison roll 1d6: "1" means you manage to escape (see below for details), "6" means you must finally meet the headsman and are put to death. Any other die roll means you continue to languish in prison.
3 to 5: Thrown in the Dungeon - You are thrown into a deep dungeon. You lose all your wealth and possessions. At the start of each day in the dungeon roll 2d6, a result of 2 or 3 means you escape (see below) that day, any other result means you continue to languish in captivity. Every full week (seven days) you spend in the dungeon inflicts 1d6 hit points of damage on you, due to unhealthy conditions, disease, and gradual weakness and starvation.
6 to 8: Imprisoned - You are imprisoned. All your money and possessions are confiscated and lost. At the start of each day roll one die, 1 means you escape (see below), any other result means you continue to remain captive.
9 to 11: Minor Offence - You are held overnight. Tomorrow you are assessed a fine equal to 1d10% of your XP in gold pieces (minimum 2 gp). If you cannot pay for your release, you are imprisoned (see above).
12 (or higher): Minor Misunderstanding - You are able to sweet-talk your way out of trouble.
Escape (1d10)
1. Guard gets too close to bars. You are able to conk him on the head and grab the prison keys. He must make a saving throw vs paralysis or be knocked unconscious. Make an evasion roll to escape (see page X23). If the guard is unconscious you gain a 10% bonus.
2. Guard gets to close to bars. You are able to deftly lift the prison keys from his person. If you are a thief, make a pick pockets roll. If you are not a thief make a d% roll below half your Dex score. Make an evasion roll to escape (see page X23). If you succeeded on the pick pockets or d% roll the guard is none the wiser and you gain a 10% bonus to your evasion check.
3. You are able to hide in your cell. When the guard opens the door to investigate you may either sneak past him or overbear him. Afterwards, make an evasion check to escape (see page X23).
4. The lock is very rusted. Make an open doors check to bust the door open. If you succeed, make an evasion check to escape (see page X23) with a -10% penalty.
5. You find a secret door in the back of your cell! Make an evasion check to escape (see page X23) with a 50% bonus.
6. You are able to hide a spoon (don't ask where) which you use to dig the mortar from around a masonry block in the wall. Make a Dex check to wriggle through the opening. If you succeed, make an evasion check to escape (see page X23).
7. You find a crowbar hidden in your cell. You can use it to pry open your cell door. Make an evasion check to escape (see page X23).
8. A young nobleman/woman buys your freedom. You are now their slave.
9. You receive a cake with a file in it. Make an evasion check to escape (see page X23).
10. Prison riot! You sneak past the guards in the confusion. Make an evasion check to escape (see page X23).
- A good portion of this is adapted from Barbarian Prince.
"Dear JB" Mailbag #4
3 hours ago
Awesome Link To Wisdom. :)