Well, hello there. Long time no see.
It has been awfully quiet around here the last while. I have been settling into my new job for the last couple of months and dealing with all of the kids summertime activities. I have been coaching my daughter's softball team and my son's soccer team.
With all the stuff going on the last while my level of gaming has declined dramatically. I am still DMing my 2nd edition AD&D game using Paizo's Rise of the Runelords. However, I have been woefully deficient in updating my blog about the campaign. I have really been enjoying it.
However, one thing I miss is my old Northern Marches game. Looking back the last session I DM'ed of that campaign was a year ago now. Looking back I know I made a number of mistakes with that campaign (primarily with the treasure level) but I sure enjoyed it. While the 2E campaign is really enjoyable, B/X is my favourite version of D&D for a reason (actually a number of reasons).
Also, my attempt to get Red Box Calgary going has also stalled due to my home and work activities. I am hoping to reboot it in the fall at which time I might try to restart the Northern Marches.
Correspondence from the Free States of America
5 minutes ago