The monsters used specifically for the next few levels...
Level 1B: Kobold Warrens:
- Kobolds, Kobold Bodyguards and Kobold Chieftain
- Spitting Lizards (AC 6, HD 3*, MV 120, #AT 1 bite or 1 spit, D 1-8 or spit, Save F2, ML 7, AL N) A 5ft-long lizard that kobolds use as guard dogs, make a high-pitched whistling sound when excited. Can spit (range 10/20/30) that causes painful itching.
- A few Gnoll overseers
Level 2A: The Foul Fortress;
Gnolls - lot of them. Two tribes that compete
A troll or two
A few Thouls
Level 2B: Gnorlock Mines:
- Gnorlocks Slaves and Escapees (AC 8, HD 2, MV 120, #AT 1 weapon, D by weapon, Save F2, ML 9, AL C) Gnorlocks are the degenerate remnants of the gnomes enslaved by the Ghoul-Queen long ago. Their enforced subterranean existence had given them 90' infravision but they suffer attack penalties of -1 in torch or lantern light and -2 in daylight. These pathetic creatures typically wield pickaxes.
- A few Hobgoblin slaves. The pathetic remains of a tribe that was enslaved. The biggest and strongest members of the tribe were taken away to be specimens in the vile experiments carried out in the deeper levels of the Pit.
- Gnoll, Kobold and Thoul overseers.
- a Gnorlock tomb with some creepy undead
- a few slimy things in some dark corners of the mines
Level 2C: Fungal Forest of the Slug People
- Slug People (AC 6, HD 3+1, MV 90, #AT 1 bite, D 1-6, Save F3, ML 8, AL N) Slug people are roughly humanoid shaped mollusks. They only take 1 hp of damage from a successful attack against them from bludgeoning weapons.
- Myrad (AC 5, HD 2, MV 120, #AT special, D special, Save F4, ML 6, AL C) Pallid, beautiful and corrupt fungal dryads. Myrads inhabit the darkest, dankest corners of the underworld tending their gruesomely beautiful garden of fungus and slimes. Looking at one will cause the victim to be under a very powerful charm spell unless they save vs spells and the myrad will enslave and torture the charmed victim. They can become invisible at will three times per day.
- Heklix (AC 4, HD 6, MV 60, #AT 4 tentacles, D none, SV F6, ML 8, AL N) Massive subterranean snails with gaping mouths, long hairy slimy tentacles that cause paralysis.
I think I stole the ideas for these last two from somewhere. Likely either Sham's bestiary for the Dismal Depths of some of the crazy stuff Scott has for Thool.
Levels 3 to 6 to come...
REVIEW: Sun County
8 hours ago
I think I stole the ideas for these last two from somewhere. Likely either Sham's bestiary for the Dismal Depths of some of the crazy stuff Scott has for Thool.
ReplyDeleteI think those are from me, but I stole them wholesale from Narnia (Fungal Nymphs, sort of a cross between People of the Toadstools and Nymphs of Poisonous Plants) and a French monster called a Lou Carcolh (, respectively.