Let me know if there are any random tables or other free materials from OSR blogs that you would like me to try to include. I won't promise but I will try.
I am hoping that I will get to make use of this at some point either with my gaming group or with my kids. We will see how this goes. Maybe it dies out after three posts.
The first step I am going to do is generate a map using Dave's Mapper.
After some fiddling to make sure there were no stranded areas, this is what I have. I like it as there is an obvious entrance (the stairs in the southwest corner), a room with multiple decision points that can be reached quickly after entering the dungeon (the room with all of the pillars), multiple pathways, and some bottlenecks and hidden areas. Later in the process I will edit the map to provide routes down to lower levels.

Next step: Generate 1d4 Saturday Night Specials.